

發佈日期 : 2023-11-07


Chinese & English Transcript
Certificate of Chinese & English Ranking
Check All Semester Grade and Ranking
Other Information




Chinese & English Transcript
◎ 申請對象︰在校生/休學生/退學生/畢業生
◎ 文件種類:
  (1) 中文歷年成績單
  (2) 中文歷年成績單含排名
  (3) 單學期成績單
  (4) 單學期成績單含排名
  (5) 英文歷年成績單
  (6) 英文歷年成績單含GPA
 ※109學年度前肄業生無法申請項目 (6)
 ※90學年度前入學者無法申請項目 (2) (3) (4)
◎ 申請費用︰中文成績單每份15元、英文成績單每份20元
◎ 申請方式︰
   項目 (1)~(4) → 當場取件
          項目 (5) 和 (6) → 1個工作天後至註課組取件
  出納組繳費 → 註課組申請並取件
   項目 (1)~(4) → 當場取件
   項目 (5) 和 (6) → 1個工作天後至註課組取件
  實踐大學首頁 → 身分 → 畢業校友(限台北校區休學生/退學生/畢業生) → 臺北校區校友文件申請系統
◎ Applicant:Current/Suspended/Withdrawn Students and Graduates
◎ Applying Categories:
 (1) Chinese Transcript (All Academic Years)
 (2) Chinese Transcript with Ranking (All Academic Years)
 (3) Chinese Transcript
 (4) Chinese Transcript with Ranking
 (5) English Transcript
 (6) English Transcript with GPA
Student who withdrawn before 2020 cannot apply for the objection (6)
Student who enrolled before 2001 cannot apply for the objection (2) (3) (4)
◎ NT$15 for each Chinese objection ; NT$20 for each English objection.
◎ Method of Applying
 ◆ Apply by the machine set around the Security Office.  
  --Objection (1)~(4) could be picked up now
   ※The transcript applied by the machine is an original document with registrar section stamp.
   Student who enrolled before 2001 should pick up the Transcript at the registrar section.
      --Objection (5) and (6) should be picked up after 1 work day
   Student who enrolled before 2001 could not pick up the Transcript now.
  Pay fee by the Cashier Section → Apply by the registrar section 
  --Objection (1)~(4) could be picked up now.
  --Objection (5) and (6) should be picked up after 1 work day.
  Student who enrolled before 2001 could not pick up the Transcript now.
--In this section, January to February ; June to September
  student could not pick up all the objections specified work day above. --
 ◆ Shih Chien University → Identity → Alumni (Only for Suspended/Withdrawn Students and Graduates from Taipei Campus) 



Certificate of Chinese & English Ranking
◎ 申請對象︰在校生/休學生/退學生/畢業生
◎ 文件種類:
◎ 申請費用︰中文每份15元、英文每份20元
◎ 申請方式︰
  於A棟警衛室附近之繳費機投幣申請 → 3個工作天後至註課組取件
  出納組繳費 → 註課組申請 → 3個工作天後至註課組取件
  實踐大學首頁 → 身分 → 畢業校友(限台北校區休學生/退學生/畢業生 臺北校區校友文件申請系統
 Applicant: Current/Suspended/Withdrawn Students and Graduates
 Applying Categories:
 ◆ Chinese Certificate with Ranking in Class or Department.
 ◆ English Certificate with Ranking in Class or Department.
  Student who enrolled in further study programs and before 2001 cannot apply for above objections.
  ※Student who enrolled before 2001 could not pick up the Transcript now.
 NT$15 for each Chinese objection ; NT$20 for each English objection.
 Method of Applying:
  Apply by the machine set around the Security Office  Pick up after 3 work days
  Pay fee by the Cashier Section → Apply by the registrar section Pick up after 3 work days
  Shih Chien University → Identity → Alumni (Only for Suspended/Withdrawn Students and Graduates from Taipei Campus) 



Check All Semester Grade and Ranking 
◎ 學生每學期可依公告查詢學期成績期間,查看成績及排名
   Registrar section will announce the date of checking grade and ranking every semester, students could view grade by the Administration System.

◎ 校務系統Administration System → 教務資訊模組Academic Affairs Module → 教務資訊系統 → 成績作業Grading →

校務資訊系統 成績作業

 SD0101-歷年成績查詢 (Results grade check for all semester)
 ◆SD0103-成績與四年計畫對照查詢 (Cross reference of grades and course plan)
  請搭配註冊課務一組 → 公告事項 → 入學必修科目表 → 點選正確學年度計畫表 → 確認應修科目/學分數/各類畢業條件
 SD0104-歷年(每學期)名次查詢 (All (semester) ranking query)

Other Information:

   Student who applys for English objection should provide English name the same as passport.

   All objections only provide in Chinese and English.
   It could be translated into other languages by translation agency, and proved by the Notary Public yourself. 
   Registrar section doesn't provide that service.
   Calculation of Grade Average:
   【單科成績x單科學分數】之總和 ÷ 學分數總和 = 學業平均成績

   Calculation of GPA:

   成績A(80分以上)的學分數 X 4
   成績B(70-79分)的學分數 X 3
   成績C(60-69分)的學分數 X 2
   成績D(50-59分)的學分數 X 1
   成績E(49分以下)的學分數 X 0
  所乘算出來的總數 ÷ 所修總學分(包含不及格的學分數) = GPA

